Pushcart Prize Nominations 2020
Graphic artwork by Adam Lupton, Issue 7
Pushcart Prize 2020 Nominations
We’re thrilled to announce our nominees for the 2020 Pushcart Prize!
Hari Alluri, “The Sculpting” | Poetry
Philip Schaefer, “Pique Noir” | Poetry
Mick Powell, “hologram” | Poetry
Chidiebube onye Okohia, “NO CITY FOR YOUNG BLOODS” | Short Story
Sean Enfield, “Where Were You When Frank Ocean Returned?” | Essay'
You can read their works in Issue 7 here.
Congratulations to these writers!
Sarah Feng is the editor-in-chief of COUNTERCLOCK Journal and the founding director of the COUNTERCLOCK Arts Collective. Her works have been recognized by the Poetry Society of the United Kingdom, Teen Vogue, the Academy of American Poets, the Critical Pass Junior Poet Prize, the National Council of Teachers of English, and more. Find her work in the Adroit Journal and Gigantic Sequins. She plays piano and dabbles in charcoals, and she thinks rhythm and light and lyric pulse in every field of the creative arts – if you can call them distinct fields at all. In other words, she has faith in the power of the interdisciplinary arts and their persistence in our memories and minds. You can find her here.